The EU are looking at many ways to reduce smoking throughout Europe. However, there have been several political interventions that have lead them to follow a rather unethical path when it comes to Electronic Cigarettes.
Firstly they wanted to make them a medicinal product just like Pharmaceutical NRT (nicotine replacement therapy). MEP’s listened to the vaping community and in October 2013 it was decided that this idea could not be implemented.
Now they are looking to place Electronic Cigarettes in the same category as Tobacco but with far stronger restrictions of use. So strong in fact, the restrictions planned would render most of our mainstream devices and E-Liquid illegal. Tobacco of course would remain widely available.
Tobacco is one of the largest and most valuable traded commodities in the world! No wonder the Big Tobacco companies want to retain us all as smokers. So do the people that invest in them. The Big Pharmaceutical companies like selling us patches and gum which have low success rates. Both have power and money. So with Electronic Cigarettes stealing the limelight, neither are best pleased. With more and more EU citizens switching to ECigs, there is also less tax revenue for Governments to squander… I mean use in order to enrich and prolong our valuable lives!!!
I’ll cut to the chase. If you use an Electronic Cigarette and want to remain using it as an alternative to smoking lit tobacco; please contact your MEP and MP so that your voice and opinions are heard. They represent us. We should have the right to choose how we enjoy ingesting nicotine or if you prefer…vaping without nicotine at all.
Research and studies have already shown us that Vaping is far safer than smoking. VaperTrails and other Electronic Cigarette suppliers throughout Europe understand that the Health and Safety of our customers is the most important part of this discussion. Regulation is not what we fear. Over regulation though would force us all back to cigarettes.
Electronic Cigarettes are a breakthrough in public health innovation and cannot be allowed to be destroyed by politics or lost revenues. Our lives and freedom of choice have a value.
Decision are imminent even now in December 2013. Follow me on Twitter for updates. Watch VTTV and keep informed via Clive Bates’s blog. You may find more information for yourselves.
Ian Green
Managing Director
VaperTrails – Southampton
Update 27/01/14
The EU continue to force through over regulation that has the potential to prevent mainstream electronic cigarette use. Keep up the pressure on your MP and MEP’s. Follow the Twitter and Facebook links available via the links section and please tune in to at 9pm Sun-Thurs.
Electronic Cigarettes are also featuring moreĀ on TV at the moment which is helping to raise awareness. However, there is a lot of misinformation too. We are happy to discuss any electronic cigarette related topic with you if you have been confused or are unsure what some statements really mean.